
HansonisthecaretakerandmanservantatHellHouse.Hismoststrikingfeatureisamalformedhandthathereferstoashisstronghand.,,Hanson:I'mactuallythecaretaker.Oh,aren'tthosecoolnewskates?Nowyoubecarefulwiththose,youdon'twanttofallandbreaksomething.DwightHartman ...,Exploretheiconicandcreepy'TakeMyStrongHand'scenefromtheScaryMoviefranchise.Learnaboutthebehind-the-scenesdetailsandtheinspiration ...,,,,,

Hanson | Scary Movie Wiki

Hanson is the caretaker and manservant at Hell House. His most striking feature is a malformed hand that he refers to as his strong hand.

Scary Movie 2 (2001)

Hanson : I'm actually the caretaker. Oh, aren't those cool new skates? Now you be careful with those, you don't want to fall and break something. Dwight Hartman ...

Scary Movie

Explore the iconic and creepy 'Take My Strong Hand' scene from the Scary Movie franchise. Learn about the behind-the-scenes details and the inspiration ...

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